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After getting in contact with Francis we now have an idea of what to base our music video on in the narrative elements. We have started to plan our music video on storyboards and shooting scripts to complete the tasks quicker but also ensure that they are accurate with eachother.


The storyboard is a good plan to have when filming the video so we have an idea what shots we want and in what order, it is also useful because it helps us to plan out how many shots we need Francis to be in as he may not be as flexible as the other casting members. Also, he may not have time to keep coming in to help is shoot in the order of the storyboard so from using this we can know exactly what shots we need Francis in and film them in one day while filming the rest when we can.


As a group we worked on the storyboard each member taking their own role for example Emily drawing, Reecia making notes on the shooting script to again get the tasks done quicker but also so that they match eachother becoming stronger and me playing the song for the timings. Each of us contributed ideas to what we should have in the video such as fades in/out, camera angles, what will actually happen in the shot etc. 


You can see from our storyboard that it was been well planned and each shot shows where the camera will be and at what angle so it gives a more detailed idea of how we want it to look. They are numbered so that we know what order they go in to make the editing process easier and also some are the same as previous shots to speed up the filming process but also continuity throughout the video. 

Shooting Script


The shooting script was another task we were able to split up into individual tasks as we completed this along with the storyboard to make this planning process easier and more efficient. We all took it in turns to write down what was needed in each shot regarding mise en scene, editing, camerawork, shot number, shot length and total time. This helped us plan our video better knowing exactly what our thought process was and recording it on this shooting script for reference when filming. It is also useful as it works as a guide when in the editing process of our video so we know what different techniques and features we wanted any particular shots to have. Creating our shooting script along side our storyboard makes it more accurate and efficient in that we could note down our thought processes.

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