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Individual Contributions to filming



Emily filming a mid shot of Francis


Me trying to get a 360 track of Francis


Emily discussing with us a shot of Francis


Reecia filming a close up of Francis


Me filming a mid shot Francis


Reecia filming a side on close up of Francis


Me filming a mid shot of Francis

As you can see from the images we have all taken part in the filming process of the performance typology shots with Francis Pennington, our artist. Taking turns allows us to each bring new ideas if we feel something should be improved or changed when actually filming but also gives each of us a chance to get to grips with the technology and put our own twist on the filming while trying to keep to the shooting script.


I have labelled what each of these shots are so you can have a better understanding of the positioning of us for example in one photo I'm holding the camera on the tripod on my head to get a high angle 360 tracking shot of Francis to add more of a range to the camerawork. This didn't work very well as we couldn't see what the camera was catching so won't be used in our music video but shows the process we took and problems we faced with how we planned our shooting script to go to actually filming it. We all brought our own ideas into the filming for example Reecia suggested the side angle close ups while I suggested the long shots. Both of these show the setting as well as showing the emotion on Francis' face. Emily suggested the pans, trackings and zooming in as this makes the filming more interesting for our audience,


After filming with Francis we will go onto film with Kieran and myself on other days where we are all available.



Today we only had a small amount of time where we are all free so we took this opportunity to film another section of Kieran and myself jumping off a wall to match the lyrics 'falling upwards' in the song. Next week we are planning to get the rest of our filming done then move onto editing. As I was jumping off the wall I was unable to have a chance to film this section however Emily filmed and took evidence of the individual contriubtions for this. It was Emily's idea to get a low level shot for this so we wouldn't get the houses behind the wall in the shot.


When we did the editing of our digipak and magazine advert we each took it in turns to edit and add our own ideas to the layout and whether we wanted things in different places, 

what font we wanted, size/bold etc. We took photos of eachother in this editing process to show our joint individual contributions, this connotes the teamwork we have and how we work together as a group to make sure the work is shared out evenly. You can see from the  

shots we each did our own bit to create the final drafts of both our digipak and magazine advert. This was a new experience for some of us as we had never used Corel Draw for a real editing process. This meant we had to learn how to use the program and edit our photo using the

knowledge we had just picked up. We used different techniques to make each final draft our own and individual to us.


Today we went back to my house to film some of the shots using my bed. Me and Kieran were in these shots so we could act and still contribute ideas, Reecia was filming while Emily was using the shooting script and storyboard guiding us through the shots. To prepare for this we made sure the camera was fully charged and we have everything we needed for the shots. The lighting however in the shooting script said it was natural but due to the time we could get to my house it was dark outside therefore the lighting in these shots is artificial. 


Today we were planning on starting the editing process of the filming we have but we had a problem getting it off the cameras. We planned to do this today as the next part of our filming wasn't to be arranged unti 04/12/13 when we were all free. The camera wouldn't create thumbnails of the footage that was already on the camera meaning we had to take out the memory card and put it into our laptops searching through them manually. This was difficult as the camera was so full of previous work that it was storing the footage in DCIM files therefore taking us a long time to find our clips. Finally, after finding the majority we deleted the footage from last year which was no longer needed and clogging up the camera. Within this we accidentaly deleted two clips of our own work meaning we have to refilm on further days. We could view it fine on the camera itself but when connected to the computer we coulnd't find it anywhere.


Today we were going to film the narrative shots, we organised a time where everyone was free and charged the cameras ready to go to the field we were shooting in. Before we left the weather wasn't too bad so we thought we would be okay to film however when we got there the wind picked up a lot and we couldn't film to the standard we could of. We only have a few shots from today so we are arranging to film another day where the weather is better.

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