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What the examiner will expect


  • Profficient time management

  • Profficient research into genres etc

  • Profficient organisation in progressive organisation (dates, subheadings, explanations)

  • Proficient work on storyboards, minds maps etc

  • Keeping to deadlines, sharing work loads and declaring who contributes what

  • Good level of care in presentation (arrows, videos, pictures, SPG)

  • Profficient ICT and range of appropriate medias)

What does genre mean?


Genre has only one definition and that is the groups of style that music can be divided into such as pop, rock and indie. These groups help the audience to understand what kind of music interests them the most and what they like. Theorists have their own definition of what genre is and there are four I have found which I think define it well.


'Genre is just a way of identifying and

categorising text'


'Genre holds certain expectations that relate to social and moral codes that are shared between the producer, the text and consumer'


'Genres are instances of repetition and difference'


'Differences between genres mean different audiences could be identified and catered to'



Song Selection


There are both advantages and disadvantages of using an unsigned band in our music video and it was in this lesson that we picked out these ads and disads and came to the decision that it would be good to use an unsigned artist as you will see from the following:



  • more freedom

  • larger range of music available

  • no copyright issues

  • can ask what the artist wants and get advice

  • make it unique



  • not as well known

  • not as many people will recognise who they so will be harder to build a fanbase

  • more difficult to learn the lyrics to achieve successful lip syncing


Both Francis and Kirsten have played to us live in the Downham Market Sixthform grounds so we have an idea of their raw talent and how we can link them together and work with them. As Francis was my task to research into his genre I have found three songs that would be well suited to create a good video fitting all the acoustic folk and pop codes and conventions. 

Emily Smith (my other group member) had a discussion about what unsigned artists we knew that would also be likely to help us in our coursework, we both know a number of people we could use that range from artists that just cover songs, to those who write and create their very own original songs and it was the original artist that we chose because there would be no copyright issues involved as they write their own music whereas using an unsigned artist that does covers we would need to get permission from the original artist which would be very unlikely. 


Some of the artists we considered are linked below to their YouTube pages:


I got in contact with Francis Pennington as he was are favoured option and we both really liked his style of singing, the way he performs and his voice in particular. We originally heard him singing and playing his guitar at sixth form and we really loved it, we found him on YouTube and our favourite songs were 'Falling Upwards', 'Me, Myseld and I' and 'Kiss Me Tonight' and these songs can be found linked below. Kirsten Powell was also our favoured artist however she counts hereself as acoustic pop so we gave this task to our other group member Reecia Cullen to look into the pop genre and then come back to us and tell us what she has found in her research. 

'Falling Upwards'

'Kiss Me Tonight'

'Me, Myself and I'


I got in contact with Francis Pennington to see if he would give permission and agree to be our unsigned music artist on the 11th and he replied today saying he would love to however there was another group who also want to use him and to make it fair he asked if I could get in contact with them to ensure they would be willing to share his time and also to ensure we have different songs. The conversation I had with Francis was on Facebook and I have print screened him giving Emily Smith and I permission to use him as our unsigned artist on the right.


After getting Francis' permission I needed to contact the other group after finding out who they are if they are okay with sharing his time and ensuring we don't use the same songs. I contacted one of the group members through Twitter and the conversation with Evie Hartley allowing us to share Francis' time and agreeing on the songs we want is on the right.


Today we have been working on our logo ideas and creating our own one relative to our chosen genre, acoustic/folk. Emily and I came up with three logo ideas and explained and evaluted them on the sheet shown in the photos below. 

We couldn't choose between us what logo we liked best so we conducted a questionnare asking questions like 'What logo do you prefer? Why?' and 'Are there any changes you would make to the logo?' we did this to gain audience feedback and to help us choose our final logo design, not only this but we made changes to the final drawing to match what the audience liked best. 

After this we decided that the third logo would be the most fitting because you can see just from the first glance that it relates to an acoustic folk vibe from the acoustic guitar.  From the questionnaires we chose to move 'RAW recordings' on top of the neck of the guitar as it meets the needs and expectations of our audience. As this is only a rough drawing of the chosen record label Emily and I need to put it onto the computer using Corel Draw and make it more professional and even. A more thorough evalutation of our chosen record label logo can be found on my record labels page at the bottom.


Asking these questions enabled us to understand what our audience wants to see from and acoustic folk music label. We gave them a starting image and then asked open questions to know what our audience would like to see different about the logo they think is best as well as what they like about it, We made the change to our final logo idea to move the writing from the bottom to the top. Our audience felt this would be more professional so we took this idea on board and made the change to meet their needs and expectations.


Today we are looking at how I can present my audience research findings. We are in the process of filming our interviews and editing them to how we want them for a professional look. For our quantitative findings using the answers given in the qustionnaire I can put them into percentages or averages along with examples and present them in a graph or pie chart. After this I will be reflecting on what I have learnt from this process of audience research and findings while they are presented professionally and clear as well as how it has informed my creative decision making for our music video.





We also have the screenshots of the conversation Reecia had with Kirsten getting permission to use her as a chosen artist. 

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