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After finishing our storyboard we have created an animatic together to give us an idea of how our video will look before we film it, obviously it won't look exactly the same because they are still drawings so won't be as interesting and tell as much of a story as the real video clips will. Animatics are used to get an audience response and feedback of how the video could look, we can ask a range of people in our target audience what they think of the animatic which is made from cut up and blown up pieces of our storyboard in order to create the story along with editing techniques such as blurs and fades to make it more interesting rather than just straight and parallel cuts. From what our audience say we can make changes to this animatic, if any, before we film the real video. Doing this allows us to meet the needs and requirements of our target audience so we have an even better understanding of what they want out of our video.

To the right is our animatic, after getting the shots in the right order we had to add in the song and then cut them down to fit the beat of the music as this makes it look more professional. Due to this, the shot lengths and timings have changed from our original shooting script as before we may have missed a second or two out here and here and forgotten about the guitar playing in between lyrics therefore we have made some shots longer/shorter to fit this giving a more professional and understandable look. 


With this change it makes it easier for us in the editing process of our real music video as we can just change the shot and the lengths and timings will be as accurate as they are in our animatic.

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