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Photography Skills


The rule of thirds is a photography skill and a way of getting the subject positioned correctly. It is divided up into 9 equal parts by four seperating lines, two horizontal and two vertical. It is said if you place the objects along the intersecting lines that the image will be more balanced. When looking at an image our eyes generally go to one of the intersection points and using the rule of thirds helps this.


The composition of the picture is also how you position the objects in the frame. 

The depth of field is the distance where the image remains sharp or not. Aperature, camera type and focusing distance can have an impact on this. The depth of field is a gradual transition between sharp and fade, everything either before of after the focus point become blurred. 


The images to the side show the difference between the depth of field.

There is also the three point lighting system to consider in photography skills. 


  • Key light - positoined in front of subject and slightly to one side shining up the face

  • Full light (bounce board) - positioned in the front of subject slightly to the other side

  • Back light - used to light up the background

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