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About Me

From doing media at AS level last year I have enjoyed working in my group and learning together how to use the cameras, I have also enjoyed doing the website and being able to give it my own style as well as showing all of the work I have done. There was one challenge that we came across last year where our video didn't flow well enough and we thought we would have to re-do all of our work which included the storyboard, shooting script and all of the filming however we re-thought what we 

could do that didn't involve changing all of our work so instead we found that we could take out some parts of our filming and add in extra parts that made more sense and didn't give too much away as it was only an opening. One thing I found the most interesting in doing media was learning how to use the equipment and being able to edit and improve it using the editing software.

Also from having this experience I was able to gain experience with the technology as I started off not knowing anything about it but now I have a good understanding of it and I have improved myself and also learned how different aspects of the camera can influence the audience's feelings. These skills of using the equipment and technology can be brought into my A2 level media work so that it can be the best it can be.

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