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Magazine Adverts


After looking into digipaks, another print media artists use to promote themselves are magazine adverts. I will look into general magazine adverts to see the common codes and conventions they use to give me an idea of what I can take forward into my own magazine advert.


I have chosen to look at a magazine advert by Adele as she is quite well known. You can see that she is included in the advert but you can't see her whole face which is a sort of mask over her so that the main focus isn't on just her it's on her music. The background is suttle so it again doesn't take too much away from the artist and the name of the album. 


You can see that similar to the digipak the artist name is larger than the name of the album, it just just bigger than the title here because it joins on together. You can also see the text underneath stating how good the album is and what award winning singles it contains which promotes the album and artist further. 


In addition to this they hav added a small image of the album and what it actually looks like, this could be because they want the audience to know what it looks like and not get confused between the magazine advert and the digipak album. Below this is the record label logo to promote them however it is only small so that the focus isn't on that and mainly on the artist. 

This magazine advert already shows what the album will look like including the image so doesn't need a smaller image like the one for Adele. It is clear to see who the artist is with the name of the album in smaller serif font underneath. This is placed like this as it fits in the rule of thirds and is what the eye wants to see.


Below in black is quotes selling the album and artists songs further with 'DEBUT ALBUM' and 'INTERNATIONAL SMASH HIT'. This is noticeable to the audience in that they will already recongise the songs and be more likely to buy the album after a few hit songs have been released. 


Again below this in small are the record label logos and logos of companies that have helped create or produce the album to help promote themselves but not taking away attention from the artist and the album. 


Here the artist is quite a main focus as her face fills up the whole image but she is challenging Laura Mulvey in that she is covered up and is selling her facial recognition rather than her body. 

With this magazine advert you can see that the title is the first noticeable thing therefore instantly promoting the artist, this title is in the rule of thirds so is eye catching.  Below that is the tutle of the album which is in white against a black background so stands out instantly.


The artist here is similar to Adele in that it isn't bold, there is a slight fade giving a masked effect so the attention isn't all on them. This appears to be a convention however depending on the genre. 


Similar to the other magazine adverts they have included captioning quotes like 'MULTI-PLATINUM ALBUM OF THE YEAR' which instantly draws in the audience attention helping to promote the album. Furthermore they have also included ratings to promot it further.


Similar to the Adele advert they have also included a small image in the bottom left corner of what the album looks which seems to be a common convention in magazine adverts and one while I will take in consideration for my own advert.

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