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With our rough cut finished we have begun to contrust our audience feedback with good time management and planning of what we want to ask them in order to improve our final cut to meet the needs and expectations of our audience. We have asked a range of people of different ages and views so that we get a range of opinions on our rough cut as this brings more ideas into the final cut. As evidence of this we have taken video blogs using webcam on our laptop while a member of our audience watches the video and talks about the questions we have asked them which are also on the questionnaire we asked them to fill out. Not only this but we have also taken podcasts of us talking to our audience in the same way we have with our videos simply because this shows the range in knowledge we have of technology but also makes it more interesting to view on my website. 

Audience Feedback


Questionnaire from audience in one of the podcasts.

We have found that our audience found some parts of our rough cut to be repetetive such as the repetition in the chours saying 'falling upwards' where we shot Kieran in reverse jumping off a wall. To change this we have decided to revisit the wall and use a range of shots of this scene with Kieran jumping off the wall, walking past the wall or Kieran and myself sitting on the wall with a pan down. These possibilities will be chosen when it comes to filming and how they actually come out and look with the rest of our video. 


Another thing our audience commented on was the scene with Kieran walking through the field with a shovel, we had to explain that this was a link to the lyrics reinforcing Goodwin however they didn't understand this meaning we might keep it in here or use some other shots of him to help develop the narrative as I feel our narrative is stronger. 

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